Rhinoplasty for get a job


2013 spring recruiting new employees season is coming and men visit plastic surgery clinic for rhinoplasty.

people who are looking for new job was stressed to get a job and they build their ability or capacity such as language skills or certificate.

good appearance is important to get a job and they visit plastic surgeons nowdays.

especially people who have hump nose, deviated nose are interested in rhinoplasty, also cosmetic rhinoplasty has improved.

Dr. Suh, a director in JW Plastic surgery center, plastic surgery specialist said mane men have rhinoplasty to improve their confidence from appearance, also the function of nose (nasal congestion, breathing...etc).

However, he recommends that recovery time of rhinoplasty is not long, so please don't rush their surgery and decide carefully.

2013. 02. 22 / Hankooki.com